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electrocardiogram and electrocardiograph

Did you ever question how physicians can tell if your heart is sound? This is done with a machine called an electrocardiogram or EKG and it measures the electrical impulses in your heart. The EKG — a test for evaluating electrical signals in the heart. It allows physicians to discover if your heart is working correctly or some deficiencies need correction. It’s a really important test!

It acts almost like a pump which goes around your body carrying blood. How much does your immune system do for you! How does it know when to beat? Your heart has a natural system of electricity. These signals are responsible for when your heart beats to release blood. The signals in your heart start at the top and travel to the bottom, producing a steady heartbeat. It is this rhythm that keeps your body functioning properly.

An overview of cardiac electrical activity

If you have an EKG, stickers are placed on your chest, arms and legs (called electrodes). The stickers can capture the electrical signals of your heart, which is why they are unique. When they receive the signals, they mail them to a device called an electrocardiograph. The electrocardiograph records the impulses on graph paper and creates a picture of your heart beat. It is a very handy graph for the doctors.

From powerpointy/commons.wikimedia.orgThey would look at the graph to see if your heart was beating correctly. Landing: If anything goes wrong, then can help them to find out what is!! For instance, they may discover whether your heart rhythm is normal or irregular (irregular heartbeat) and identify any damage caused by the heart attack. This helps doctors to know what your heart is doing.

Why choose Wancheng Huitong electrocardiogram and electrocardiograph?

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