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Veterinarska črpalka za brizgo

If animals are ill-band need a drink, or chemicals. The correct dosing of a drug to an animal is something that Veterinarians struggle with. That it has to be just the right temperature at exactly the right moment. And we syringe pumps. The črpalke na brizgo by Wancheng Huitong so naprave za intravensko injiciranje zdravil živalim na bolj urejen in učinkovit način. Zaradi njih je postopek varnejši in hitrejši za naše ljubljenčke. 

Revolucioniranje veterinarske medicine s črpalkami na brizgo

We could not inject drugs in animals in the absence of a syringe pump and this would have been largely impractical to do. The animal and veterinarian would find that to be very stressful. For Wancheng Huitong vet syringe pumps excellence in delivering exact quantity of medicine that they are programmed for dosing to the animal with desired flow rate. This essentially evens the time between exam and treatment so that animals can continue on with their lives. This Brizgalne/infuzijske črpalke also takes the load off of those treatment days as a tangible weight that they may have actually experienced.  

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